Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My first post here

I have found that in order to have a good blog that people want to read, you need at least 1 of 4 things:

#1 An interesting life
#2 Writing talent
#3 A unique world view
#4 A high post rate

I can't say that I have any of these things...and yet I have heard and heeded the call to blog nonetheless.  

I have taken stabs at blogging before, and if I can figure out how I will try to consolidate my other blogs into the archives here so that all of my loyal readers can follow the intermittent but still enthralling story of my life over the past few years.

I am 26 years old, married for 4 years to my high school sweetheart (the 10 year anniversary of our first date is next week!) and am living in the suburbs in Frederick County, MD.  We have a beautiful daughter Emily who is 8.5 months old, and she takes up most of my time right now.  We have two irritating dogs, an Australian Cattle Dog named Mingus and an Australian Shepherd/Beagle/who knows what else mix named Remy.  When I am not actively dealing with Emily or cleaning up after her, I like to knit, read, bum around the internet, and go to the gym.  In the grander scheme of things I love to travel, but I haven't been anywhere notable of late because I have been at home nesting and caring for my young.  

I am currently a stay-at-home mom, but in my former life I was an Analytical Chemist and I worked at an environmental water testing lab for the 3-year stretch between graduating from the University of Maryland/getting married and deciding to stay home with Emily.

I am writing this blog mostly for myself, but hopefully despite my lack of interesting blog writing qualifications readers will find it amusing if nothing else.


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