My big girl!
The carefully-selected dinosaur backpack
So excited!
She STILL hangs her backpack up backwards. Oh well, it works
Day 1 was a success! Especially since she got her first taste of froot loops.
Emily has been doing really well with preschool. Aside from a rough week where she ended up in time-outs on a couple days for pushing and hitting her classmates on the playground, she seems to love it. When we drive by, she points out the building and says "Are we going to preschool? I am so ess-kited to go to preschool!". It's really nice, especially when I see the little boy who still, after a month and a half, has a breakdown whenever his mom drops him off. The little boy who Emily loudly tells me is named "Jack-in-the-box" and is a whiney boy when we're standing right next to him. I have a feeling Charlotte is going to be like that in a few years.
But that's another worry for another time.
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