In the 5-ish years Will's family has owned "The Family Farm", we've never made it up there while the leaves were at their peak in the fall. We swore to remedy that this year, and the timing worked out very well. The mountains were gorgeous as we drove up Sunday morning, and we spent the day relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.
Charlotte and Daddy getting ready to hike |
Emily was being a homebody and just wanted to play at the house, so I stayed with her while Will and Charlotte "hiked". When they got back, we found a nasty gigantic slug on the porch.
Charlotte kept yelling "Pee Yew!" I think she meant "Ew!" because the slug wasn't actually all that stinky |
Learning opportunity...we got rid of the slug by performing a science experiment |
Educational. And super-gross. |
After that appetizing experience, it was time for lunch!
The girls enjoying lunch, Remy wishing he could enjoy their lunches |
Charlotte liked dipping her sandwich in applesauce |
The electric company had carved a path through the woods around the electric lines...I'm not usually an advocate of chopping down a bunch of trees, but everyone agreed this was kinda cool because now you can see the next mountain over.
Loved this tree, with the sun coming through it looked like stained glass |
Will and Remy hiding in plain sight |
Charlotte doing important work |
Emily eventually consented to leaving the house.
Found a raccoon print by the creek |
Charlotte, ready for naptime |
On the way home we stopped at
Scenic View Orchard. They had such a pretty garden out front!
And they had such yummy stuff inside. We got some veggies and eggs, and they had quite a selection of McCutcheons juice-sweetened jams, including Cherry Butter. Wow. This stuff is AMAZING! It's like cherry jelly but with vanilla and spices too. As you can see, it has already been enjoyed quite a bit.
This trip to the farm was SO nice. The girls are finally old enough that I can sit and have a meal or run to the bathroom without someone tripping and hitting their head on the stone floor or needing to be nursed. They're getting more sure-footed, so we can now hike with them and walk around on the rocks by the creek. I feel like we're finally able to start enjoying the farm WITH the kids instead of having to spend all our time protecting the kids. It's nice to be out of the baby stage!
And it was really nice to finally get up to the farm in the fall.
Beautiful pictures. LOVE the color changes in the fall, it's my favorite time of year back in Iowa. Unfortunately, here in Arizona, I don't get to see the fall colors much.
It would be tough to live somewhere the leaves don't change color! I think I would have to take a trip each fall to see some leaves SOMEWHERE at least!
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