Greetings! I really did stick with this taking pictures of my food thing for another day, and once again it really kept me eating well so here, whether you like it or not, are my eats for today.
Strawberry banana oatmeal cooked with 1/2 milk 1/2 water, scrambled egg augmented with egg white and topped with sriracha, plus decaf green tea |
Appetizing |
This oatmeal looks gross, but it was some of the best oatmeal I've had in quite awhile. I'm really glad fruit is free on Weight Watchers because I loaded this sucker up with strawberries and it was delicious. I also busted out the little tea pot/cup set my sister gave me for Christmas and I really love it! I have wanted a set like this for awhile just to look pretty, but it turns out I really enjoy "taking my tea" this way too.
I wised up today and took my pictures up on a high surface the kids couldn't reach. They still wanted to help me though.
My bead-headed butler |
Helpers |
We headed to the gym and I worked out with Kim, Brad and Will. Well, I worked out with Kim anyway. The guys kinda kept leaving us behind. Hmph.
After the gym I had a snack, but I had forgotten the card for my camera so here is a re-enactment:
Kevita and a laughing cow babybel light cheese wheel. Pretend the bottle is full. |
Next up was lunch, my typical salad
Greens, radishes, orange bell pepper, broccoli sprouts, 1 oz pumpkin goat cheese, 1/2 oz walnuts, pear balsamic and 1 tsp olive oil |
And after realizing and being disappointed that the Ravens aren't playing this week, I made myself my favorite smoothie, which is especially good because the girls will drink some too.
3/4 cup plain fat free greek yogurt, 1 whole peeled orange, 1/2 banana, a ton of ice, 1/2 cup skim milk and a dash of nutmeg |
Smoothies are the only way I can stand plain yogurt. It's healthy so I make sure I get some into my diet but I am definitely not a huge fan! Eating plain yogurt, even with fruit and crunchy things sprinkled on top literally makes me gag, and not many foods do that to me (unless I'm pregnant, then lots of things do).
My fizz |
Afternoon rooibos |
It was a really lazy day, and since we had leftover pizza from the party I didn't even have to make dinner!
Goat cheese etc. on the left, turkey sausage on the right |
I did make a "slaw" though, since Will has been asking for one.
Carrots, raisins, vinegar, erythritol, cumin and sunflower seeds, served over greens |
We had a tiny bit of wine leftover from last night too, so I killed that.
Just a sip |
I ended up taking forever to put Emily to bed tonight just because it seems she's FINALLY old enough to listen to a longer book. I stayed extra-long and read her the first 3 chapters of Charlotte's Web last night, and she seems excited to hear more. I am so happy that we can start moving beyond the inane little kid books and into things that I can actually enjoy reading too. If only she were old enough for Harry Potter!
Once the girls were asleep Will and I started watching Forks Over Knives at the urging of our friend Brad. We didn't get all the way through it before our own bedtime, so I guess we'll have to finish it tonight. It was kind of like Food, Inc. in that I've heard many people say that it totally changed the way they ate and thought about food, but aside from a couple interesting points I didn't find anything completely life-changing. Maybe because I already read a bunch of food and vegan blogs? I would LOVE to see a documentary that also addresses people who eat reasonable amounts of local organic grass-fed free-range meats. Most of the time they're comparing the "typical American diet" to vegetarianism or veganism and of course in that case people feel better when they make the dietary change. I would be interested in making more meat-free meals, but I'm not a huge fan of all the meat substitutes out there because most of them are so processed I don't consider them healthy either. Plus Will requires such a large amount of protein that I have only been able to come up with 1 or 2 meals that are meatless and unprocessed AND address Will's dietary needs.
Nevertheless, when I got hungry I had a "plant-based whole food" snack :-)
This probably doesn't need a description |
Then I got hungry again, so I went to bed. The best hunger-killer is sleep!
I'm still hanging in there and I'm actually enjoying eating healthy these days so I'm excited about that. It is definitely easier to eat well when I am happy and enjoying myself vs. having to FORCE myself to get out of the kitchen before I snack myself to death. If only I could figure out what specifically makes the difference in my attitude.
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