Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Two! Two! Two days of food!

Hey!  I just saw the first lightning bug of the season out my back window.  It must be summer!  In all ways other than officially, that is.

And sorry, instead of blogging there for a bit I ran off to investigate the Ann Taylor Loft 2 hour online sale but now I'm back.  Without having bought anything.  Grumble grumble....can't combine savings cards with sale code...

So now that I don't have much time to finish this post before bed, I guess I will jump in and make this quick, especially since I have 2 days to do.

Monday's breakfast:

I went to Bodypump afterwards, but didn't end up needing a morning snack.  As soon as I got in the car after Bodypump I ate the salad I had packed...

...because the pool finally opens in the mornings now instead of at 4!  Actually it doesn't open until noon this year.  Grumble grumble...used to open at 11...can only swim for 1 hour before Charlotte's naptime now...

Emily was happy though
My lunch snack was much the same as Sunday's, except that this time I enjoyed it from a bowl that says "Charlotte" on the bottom.

I had some watermelon with a squeeze of lime and some chopped mint later on.

Then for dinner I had lamb with fresh pea and barley salad (I have a feeling I'll be using a lot of recipes from that blog this summer!)

I meant to pull out the lamb to defrost Sunday night.  Then I meant to pull out the lamb to defrost Monday morning.  I ACTUALLY managed to pull the lamb out to defrost Monday afternoon, and despite using my favorite hot water defrosting trick, the lamb was still about 50% frozen solid when it was time to cook it.  "Oh well!", I thought.  "What better place to un-freeze something than in a hot oven?"  And you know what?  It turned out pretty ok.  By the time Will needed to eat dinner (he was leaving again for a beer meeting that evening so he had a narrow window in which to eat) we carved off some of the lamb on the outside that was done and let the middle keep defrosting/cooking.  It all ended up cooked and delicious in the end, so that was a win.

What was not a win?  Was the way I ate a lot more of dinner than was pictured here when I picked at it while putting away leftovers :-(

Then ate what was probably a full serving of this ice cream afterward.

I blame our freezer.

You see, our freezer has been getting progressively colder without our permission, and at this point even things that aren't supposed to freeze at normal kitchen freezer temperature (like alcohol) are freezing in there.  When the girls asked for ice cream and I pulled this out it was like cement.  Knowing a 2 year old and a 5 year old would not be able to wait for 2 hours for promised ice cream to soften up without annoying their mother to death in the meantime, I hastened the process by putting it into the microwave.

But then I was left with scoopable ice cream and a lot of almost all the way melted ice cream around the outside.

You know what one of my biggest weaknesses is?  Almost all the way melted ice cream.  So I ate what was left after serving the girls their portions.  This stuff is made locally and is absolutely heavenly.  BUT.  It doesn't have nutrition facts on the back, so I am going to assume they left them off because the calorie count and fat content are so unbelieveably low that no one who peeked first at the nutrition facts would buy it for fear it would taste like the sugar-free low fat crap.
If the nutrition facts aren't there, I can't count them!
Then because I have no control whatsoever I also ate the bite of dark chocolate that had been laying on the counter since Charlotte decided she didn't want it last night.  However I didn't completely say "To Hell with it!" and have the glass of wine and handful of chocolate chips I was considering, so I count myself lucky that I stopped where I did.

Onward to today.

That's an egg white, swiss chard, onion, canadian bacon and goat cheddar "omelette" (scrambled eggs because I'm lazy) and coffee.  I was worried that without carbs I would be hungry again right away, and I definitely was, but it was the kind of hungry that doesn't get much worse for awhile and I was able to distract myself with a Zumba class.  Actually it was 15 minutes of standing around while the teacher tried to get the music to work, 10 minutes on a bike, then half an hour of Zumba once they got the music working.  Not the best workout, but all I had time for (unless I wanted to give up MORE of my punches on my punchcard for childcare, which I didn't).

After Zumba-ish I went to Common Market.  I had a list this time, and the trip went really well.  I got everything I needed, very few things that I didn't, and it went faster which was good because my kids were crazy.  As always.

I tried a new flavor of KeVita and found it to be pleasing.

Then I made a kind of copy of the collard wrap I had in San Antonio earlier this year.

While I was making it, I was thinking about how yummy it was going to be, and feeling sad that Will was not going to be able to have any.  The poor guy has gotten cheated since the kids were born...I used to make his lunch every day and now he's on his own.  In all fairness though, he takes a crap-ton of chopped vegetables and fruits and several smoothies AND his actual lunch to work with him every day, and that's a lot to make when I have difficulty even making myself and the girls 3 healthy meals a day.


I DID end up getting to share my wrap with Will because he came home to drop off his drycleaning right in the middle of lunch!  Nice timing.  He was greeted at the door with Charlotte's latest art project:

Which she ended up tracking into the house when I called her in for lunch.

I've been trying to come up with some creative ideas for lunches (both mine and my kids') and plan ahead so that I have the materials on hand to execute them.  Menu planning...imagine!  Emily is no help beacause she requests the same lunch every single day (squished-up cheese sandwich with Amy's tomato bisque soup with whole wheat alphabet noodles cooked in it).  I managed to plunk her down in my lap and look through Pinterest for a bit for some inspiration the other day though, so we finally got a nice list of acceptable lunches that she's excited about.  Today it was "Squids", which are whole wheat spaghetti noodles pushed through sliced applegate organics sausages.  They were very popular.

I tried to freeze some grapes today, but sadly we have one freezer that freezes things to absolute zero, and another freezer that kinda makes things a little bit cold.  A happy medium would be nice.  But at least the grapes for my snack came from the kinda a little bit cold freezer and not the absolute zero freezer.
There's greek yogurt under there too
I ate a bite of goat cheese while making dinner tonight. 

The goat cheese is also local, from a place called Caprikorn Farms, and it is called "Kids Love Goats Milk Pizza Cheese".  I have to call shenannigans though, because mine sure don't, even though they'll happily eat other kinds of goat cheese.

My other evening snack was 6 Tamari almonds, also called Dibby almonds or now Mommy almonds around here.

She's not an attention-hog at all

For dinner I decided to replicate my Dad's chickpea-crust galettes, except I filled some of mine with a lamb and veggie mixture and some with tomato sauce, cheese and Applegate pepperoni.  They were all quite yummy if you ask me.  If you ask my children you'll get a different story though.

I had them with some roasted beets dressed with orange juice and tarragon vinegar...

...plus some pickled cucumber and onion salad.  I just love making all these little salad-y side dishes with my produce in the summer!

My in-laws came over to watch the girls for a bit, so I left them to wrangle my wildlings (who were jumping in the gigantic mud puddles in our back yard as I pulled away) and headed to Costco for a few things.  I also headed to Target to look for a new booster seat for Emily, but had no luck.  Upon returning home, I had a giant bowl of fruit.

I definitely got in my 5 servings of fruits and veggies today!

Blogger and my laptop don't get along very well (does Blogger get along well with ANYTHING?) so I apologize if you tried to read this post when it published while I was halfway through writing it and got confused.  I also apologize if you are reading it fully written and are still confused.  In fact, if you're confused at all today, I'll go ahead and apologize for that.  It's probably my fault.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Soon, I will be a SAHM (starting in September) and I know where I will be looking to get some lunch ideas for myself and the kids. I also plan to be a little more prepared with my dinners once I get more time on my hands. I use to love to cook, but now it's a chore with so little time.